The Basics of Bamboo Sheets

bamboo sheets are made from the fastest growing grass on earth. This is what makes bamboo sheets some of the best sheets you can buy. Unlike other materials, bamboo sheets are naturally hypoallergenic, which means they won’t irritate your skin. This is an important advantage because many people suffer from allergies, rashes, and other kinds of irritations to sensitive skin. The fibers in the bamboo sheets are very fine, which also prevents wrinkles, stretch marks, and other marks caused by fabric pulls and wear.

Bamboo sheets come in many different weights. Most sheets are a minimum of a duvet size, but there are many that are much larger. Some sheets are made with extra material to help reduce the amount of stretch while keeping body heat in. If you want to make sure that your bed stays warm during the cold winter months, many sheets use heavy wool batting. A heavy batting will keep the sheet firmly in place without sagging or puckering.

There are two types of bamboo sheets that people commonly purchase. The first type is called a flat bamboo sheet. These sheets are made like regular sheets, just smaller. The flat bamboo sheets are commonly used for camping or other activities where there may be some concern about sheets getting wet.

The second type of bamboo sheets is called a “long bamboo sheet.” These sheets are the same as the flat bamboo sheets, just a little bit longer. Long bamboo sheets can be used as room dividers, because they have the tendency to be longer than the flat variety. They are also sometimes used for additional padding in hotel rooms.

The sheets can be washed in the normal washing machine, using any laundry detergent. Bamboo sheets should not be dry-cleaned, as the dryer tends to damage the fibers. Some manufacturers recommend bamboo bed sheets be hand-washed in a solution of one cup of bleach and five quarts of water.

Because bamboo is such a natural and renewable resource, bamboo sheets are relatively inexpensive compared to cotton or fiber sheets. The cost is comparable, depending on the size and the quality of the bamboo fibers. Bamboo’s naturally lustrous appearance makes it an environmentally friendly choice. This also means that the shades and patterns available in bamboo are virtually limitless. Anyone interested in buying bamboo sheets will find that it is easy to shop online.